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Employee Training


The franchiser, [Name of the franchiser], and the franchisee, [Name of the franchisee], as set forth in their franchise agreement on [Date of the agreement] and as witnessed by [Name of the witness], have agreed to the following additional terms and conditions:

The franchiser will provide various and specific training programs that will aid the franchisee in service of customers Franchisee will elect appropriate members of staff to attend such courses and assume costs associated as well as travel and lodging expenses incurred during seminars and courses attended.

Franchiser will have available staff to travel to franchisees outlet to assist any and all matters concerning service support. Staff will be on hand to counsel, advise and assist with any standard or technical need of business procedures. Any printed documents or reference guides will be made available to franchisee by franchiser to allow for support of execution of contractual agreement. Franchisee may have to pay for cost of shipping, handling or cost to printing new or additional manuals.

Franchiser Dated

Franchisee Dated

Witness Dated

Witness Dated